Take Time To Celebrate...
With our lives being so fast this days 🌟 it is always a nice idea to get together and just raise a toast 🥂 It doesn’t have to be a...

We Stand On Guard For ‘THE SOILDERS’ Who Gave Of Themselves...
On this November 11th at 11am in 1918 (11:11), many brave soldiers (according to statistics - some 100,000 Canadian’s) - died in the...

A Most Thoughtful Gesture...
No matter how old you get 💫 There is a ‘MAGIC’ when that 🤗 PERFECT STUFFY 🤗 makes its way to you and just makes your day brighter! 🐕...

A Great Song Makes All The Difference...
Aawwwwwww-yeeeah!! 🙌🏼 where my ‘Disco-Lovers’!! The vibe and beat on this song by EWF is totally delicious! Like the song says... ‘Just...

From Our Table To Yours...
We are so grateful for your friendship! Pass it forward... Tell 2 people how grateful you are for them and ask them to pass it forward......